You can download my detailed CV here (et ici pour la version française).

Academic positions

Since Oct. 2020 – Tenured Researcher (Chargée de recherche) at Ined (French National Institute for Demographic Studies).

2019-2020 – Postdoctoral Researcher at DEMO (Université Catholique de Louvain), working with Bruno Schoumaker on the LIMA Project (Legal framework’s Impact on Migrant’s Agency).

2018-2019 – Research Assistant at Ined. Working with Michel Guillot, Myriam Khlat & Lidia Panico on the National Institutes of Health-funded project Mobility, Selectivity and the Migrant Mortality Advantage.


2019 – PhD in Sociology, Sciences Po Paris (OSC and LIEPP) and Ined.“From Permanent to Circular Migrations. The Experience of (Re)Migration in Individual Trajectories in France”. Supervisor: Mirna Safi (OSC Sciences Po).

2015 – MSc. in Sociology, Sciences Po Paris.

2013ENSAE Paristech (Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique). MSc. in Economics, Statistics and Quantitative Methods.